The MC is convening a Global Consultation in Turkey in May (12-16) 2014 with the theme “Gospel – Church – Mission”. God has given the MC the unique capacity to convene key missional leaders and shape the participation of the global Evangelical movement in God’s mission and in the advance of His kingdom.

The MC convenes Global Consultations  every two or three years.  MC Global consultations have proven to be among the most strategic “safe places” for reflective-practitioners of mission to focus on and grapple with global issues and challenges. Previous consultations have resulted in mutual encouragement, greater understanding of the challenges that make up successive “present moments” for following Christ in his mission, joint work and strategies, as well as new written materials for publication and wider distribution.

The next important opportunity for this dynamic meeting of leaders, representing mission movements from places that have traditionally sent missionaries as well as from the newer sending countries, will be in Turkey, in May 2014.

The theme of the consultation, Gospel – Church – Mission invokes three essential elements in global mission. Gospel is the message, the good news for every people and every person on this earth and that speaks the whole person and that includes the whole creation. Church is the agent of mission, called to proclaim and to live out the gospel truth in and from every neighbourhood and beyond. A church is missionary by nature, otherwise its existence can be questioned. Mission is God’s mission, and we are all invited to partner with Him in order to advance His kingdom. We will look at gospel and church from a missiological perspective and examine the biblical and practical integration between them.