We are glad to share the news that the William Carey Library will be continuing their publishing ministry from new premises soon.

Please see their update below:

Dear William Carey Library customers:

My apologies to our loyal customers, while we move our operations from Tennessee to Pennsylvania.

We will suspend all orders from now, July 20, to August 8.  We are changing our warehouse distributor, relocating all our books, changing our sales process and investing in a new fulfillment partner.   We need to suspend the site until the new partner is ready.

We pray that we may continue to be your choice for books illustrating what the Lord is doing all around the world.  We remain loyal to you and maintain our desire to find the best stories and best practices to share with you, as we find authors and manuscripts from those scribes who have seen His work in frontier areas of the world.  We continue to specialize in books discussing work in those places where His Name is not known.

Our Perspectives Study Program students and our thousands of regular customers will have an excellent experience as we partner with Anchor Distributors, part of Whitaker Corporation.  Please accept my apology for the short notice and disruption for three weeks!

The William Carey website will remain the same, and your account remains as you order books for this fall.

Thank you for your work helping to advance the Kingdom!

Jeff Minard


William Carey Library, publisher

Frontier Mission books since 1969