Please see below a note from Ruth Wall, the Chair of our International Mission Training Network (IMTN):

Dear colleagues-in-mission-training,

This short letter is to introduce you to the International Mission Training Network (IMTN). The IMTN is part of the WEA-Mission Commission and has a long history of encouraging and supporting mission training around the world. The IMTN exists to connect those who are involved in training so that understanding and good practice will be shared and mission training will be strengthened around the world.

Teaching demands a great deal of time and energy so it is challenging to find the time to critically reflect on what we do and ways that learning could be more effective. It is my hope that through dialogue we can support, inspire and even provoke, one another to continue to develop training that will effectively prepare men and women to participate in God’s mission in the world. The question of effective training and preparation was never more relevant and urgent than it is today as the church around the world seeks to follow Jesus Christ’s example and command to ‘go into all the world and make disciples’.

To assist a conversation of trainers the IMTN will send out a regular bulletin which will represent the voices of trainers around the world. We anticipate that our conversation will explore different issues of teaching and learning as they relate to mission and ministry training. We hope that you will be part of this conversation. You can receive IMTN communications without your name being made public to others. Please visit the website to get connected:

We look forward to the dialogue developing.

Your partner in Christ,

Ruth Wall

Chair, IMTN

Mission trainer, UK