The Global Mission Roundtables (GMR) are held primarily to facilitate reflection and dialogue between global mission leaders.

Here is a report written by K. Rajendran, reflecting on some of the themes of the Pretoria GMR: WEA Mission Commission Global Mission Roundtable report 2015_Rajendran

The table group discussions during the GMR  provide a space for leaders to engage with one another on important themes that affect them, their organisations and churches, as well as the global mission community.

Please see below the feedback reports from the Global Mission Roundtable held in Pretoria earlier this year. The notes have been recorded verbatim, and shared to encourage further dialogue and reflection on the themes. Thank you to David Ruiz for compiling all the notes.

Lectio Divina: Table groups feedback

Personal Integrity: Table groups feedback

Ministry Integrity: Table groups feedback

Organisational Integrity: Table groups feedback

Sustainability of Mission: Table groups feedback

Please use these comments and questions to further facilitate dialogue and reflection. Please also feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section below.

Many of these themes need more discussion and reflection within the global mission community. We look forward to further the conversations in Panama, October 2016.

Thank you also to Dean Carlson for the following feedback:

Dear WEA-MC leadership,

I want to thank each of you for diligent and creative work that you invested in the facilitation of the Global Roundtable. 

The Global Roundtable provided a fertile context in which to encounter the Lord, engage in friendship and explore issues of vital importance to collaborative mission.  I was deeply enriched by each of these aspects and emerged from the meetings refreshed in spirit and sharpened in my understanding of the missio dei.

It was a joy to share insights gleaned with the One Challenge board, leadership team and US Mobilization Center staff.  Your servant leadership showed me Jesus.  Thank you for making this such a fruitful gathering.

Two weeks ago while in Asia I invited one of OC’s high-potential younger leaders to join me at the upcoming WEA-MC gathering in Panama.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

A fellow pilgrim,

Dean Carlson

President, One Challenge