Our morning devotion was from 1 Sam. 2: 22 – 38, highlighting the importance of fearing God in walking out our ministry responsibilities.

The Input of today was facilitated by Kirk Franklin, Executive Director of Wycliffe Global Alliance. Themes that help or hinder organisational integrity were explored. Table groups held discussions to develop these themes into gifts that they would like to present to God’s mission.

Bishop Ef Tendero (Secretary General of the WEA) then gave feedback about how the WEA’s gift to the global church is that it endeavours to help fulfill the Great Commission through:

– A long history of the dream of unity to enhance the Gospel and Kingdom of God
– The networks consisting of national membership of 129 countries, regional representation in at least 7 regions from around the world and global networks of different commissions and movements.
– A worldwide network and global movement of volunteers
– A structured network working together to strengthen local churches worldwide, so that local churches will be able to advance the Good News of Jesus. Individual, community and national transformation.

Rob Brynjolfson discussed the WEA Partners and Networks: Global Partners, Commissions, Initiatives and Taskforces.
The afternoon panel discussion focussed on leadership transition. The panelists were Bill Taylor, Russ Simons, Pam Thyer, Steve Moore, Ted Essler, Adriaan Adams and Jooseop Keum. Here is the link to the panel discussion outline: TAYLOR_panel_on_Leadership_transition_Integrity.pdf

Bill Taylor opened with the statement: “Leave in a way that they will invite you back”. The panelists explored how healthy mission sustainability requires transparent leadership transition. Good governance overlaps with leadership succession planning, also highlighting the the role of the board.

Some other statements from the panelists included:

– All leadership development is long range succession planning for the Kingdom
– Leadership transition needs to be as open as absolutely possible and begun as early as possible
– Intentionality of leadership transition is important
– Hand over your leadership when you are strongest
– Have leadership transition conversations early before it becomes inevitable, and be open to the Spirit.

As a conclusion of the GRT, Tim Halls introduced the thought-processes that are going into the planning of the Global Consultation in Panama 2016, which will be held from 3 – 7 October 2016.

In the evening we shared a special time around the Lord’s Supper, with Bishop Ef Tendero ministering Holy Communion. He ministered from John 17, highlighting how Jesus has already prayed for all the challenges that have been discussed over the days of the GRT.

As a powerful conclusion to the 2015 GRT, Bill Taylor prayed for and anointed those who are currently going through a leadership transition.

Here are PDF versions of the Singapore and Granada Covenants that were mentioned as resources: Granada_Covenant_of_Best_Personal_and_Ministry_Practice_kp.pdf SINGAPORE_COVENANT_kp.pdf