One of the intentions of the MC Global Roundtable is to facilitate a discussion around issues that are currently influencing God’s mission across the world. On Wednesday 4 September 2013, one of the sessions was dedicated to highlighting the global issues that those present felt were the most prevalent on the global mission arena.

The overarching themes that were extrapolated from these discussions were:

1. Integral discipleship
2. Role of the church in mission
3. Globalisation
4. Religious encounter
5. Sustainable mission models

These themes were then further explored in smaller groups.

Sustainability within the context of new mission models and churches was highlighted as one of the main discussion points. This theme will be further explored by the new MC Taskforce “The future in mission”. Another key feedback point was the development of global leaders, as well as the matter of creating forums to dialogue and build bridges across the various dimensions of the Body of Christ.

One of the other key points was that the church needs to be continuously mobilised to pray for global issues.

Another key point on the global mission community agenda is to continue to explore what discipleship and discipling means.

The concept of diaspora, bringing people groups on the doorstep of every local church, is also an important point of attention to influence missional strategies and approaches.

These and numerous other themes were brought to the forefront of the mission agenda, and will continue to be explored by the Global mission community.

A more formal report will be designed and made available in the next few days.

The Global Roundtable drew to a close with a powerful time of worship and Holy Communion, shared in unity by the Body of Christ from around the world.