Wtitten by Mats Tunehag

The purpose of the Global Business as Mission Think Tank (2011 – ) has been to invigorate the global business as mission movement, to equip and encourage those who want to serve God and the common good in and through businesses – among all peoples.

To that end we launched over 30 national, regional and international working groups. Some of these groups focused on a particular issue, and others were concentrating on BAM in and from a particular region or country. Each group was asked to produce papers, analyses, case studies, tools and resource directories, as well as a final report. The Think Tank project has resulted in an unprecedented and massive global gathering of both intellectual and social capital.

Hundreds of leaders in the BAM eco-system, from every continent, have contributed to these reports that started to be published in October 2013. 11 reports have been published as of 22 April 2014. To download these reports http://bamthinktank.org/reports

These 30+ reports are not the end or the final destination of the BAM Think Tank, but should rather be seen as important reflections by BAM practitioners and other key leaders who will continue to journey together. We need to continue to grapple with issues, and address needs and gaps. Some working groups will continue and new initiatives will emerge.

It has been a privilege to facilitate this global collaboration over the last three years, together with Mrs. Jo Plummer. Looking back we can see that at times we have achieved less than we have hoped and planned for. But we have also witnessed that God is able to do more than we could have ever imagined.
The Global BAM Think Tank is re-grouping during the first half of 2014. The leaders discussed during 2013 how to best steward the knowledge and relationships developed through the think tank processes.

Based on the BAM think tank findings and conversations a number of key objectives and core functions have been identified and a new Advisory Board has been formed. The working name is BAM Global.

The overall purpose remains to invigorate the global BAM movement. Three BHAGs will be addressed and pursued:

1.    Paradigm shift: Change the thinking of the global Church about business
2.    Scale and multiply BAM initiatives, to reach a critical mass of BAM impact globally
3. Develop BAM solutions to global issues, like human trafficking, creation care, corruption.

BAM Global has five core functions:

1.    Connect: Be a global voice, mobilize, represent BAM movement, meet with leaders, work with initiatives and groups, like Lausanne, WEA, BAM  consultations, etc…
2.    Convene: Regional and global BAM events, some planned for 2014, 2015, and beyond. New working groups to deal with global issues.
3.    Communicate: Articles, blogs, speaking engagements, consulting, videos, etc…
4.    Content: One stop shop website
5.    Community: Online communities: interest forums, resource matching, etc…

Submitted by Mats Tunehag    
For BAM material in 16 languages http://www.matstunehag.com/bam-material-in-16-languages/