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Prior to 2020, the Mission Commission would activate Task-Forces, create Networks and convene Working Groups. We have now simplified these activities as “Projects”. Projects are specific, time constrained, and outcome oriented. They are designed to be a point of collaboration for interested parties within the Mission Commission community and wider global missions community.
The purpose of MC Projects is to add value to the missions community, not to replicate subgroups within the MC that may already exist elsewhere, neither to create new ones under the MC. An outcome of a project may be to establish a new group or network, but it will not be responsible to the MC beyond the terms of the project that created it. Projects are likely to take the form of a conversation around a particular missions issue that is captured and condensed into a book, recommendations or training programme for wider use; or it could be a global research project on a critical issue of interest to global missions. Projects will always contribute something tangible of value to global missions.
Where the MC used to have different issues focuses, they are now overseen by Synergist leaders as missions “currents”, with many more focuses than the MC has engaged with in the past. You can find out more about the Synergist role and the currents we are now tracking with on our Synergist page.
Organisations that closely relate to the MC (This category is currently under review)
— Contact: Jim Harries (UK/Kenya)
— Contact: Mats Tunehag (Sweden)
— Contact: Chris Maynard (UK)
— Contact: Beram Kumar (Malaysia/Australia)
— Contact: Jenny Oliphant (UK)
— Contact: Jan Wessels (Netherlands)
— Contact: Robin Harris (USA)
— Contact: Harry Hoffman (Germany)
— Contact: Sas Conradie (UK)
— Contact: Ray Peng (Taiwan)
— Contact: Ashok Kumar (Singapore)
— Contact: Samuel Chiang (Hong Kong)
— Contact: Mark Hedinger (USA) with Kate Wiseman (UK)
— Contact: Timo Elo (Finland)
— Contact: ‘Phil Jones’ (Australia/East Asia)
— Contact: Brian O’Connell (USA)
— Contact: Beram Kumar (Malaysia/Australia)
— Contact: Stanley Ow (Singapore)