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Now available as eBooks from William Carey Publishing. Click the covers to purchase.
Authors from eighteen countries give us their perspectives on biblical principles and cultural expressions of spirituality particularly as the church engages in God’s mission. This anthology enriches our understanding of the depth and the meaning of being spiritual and the diversity of forms to live out the Christian faith.
This book is the first definitive exploration of the recent history, ministries and methods of mission mobilization. The evangelical missions community is expending much energy and resource trying to raise up workers for the Lord’s harvest, but is it helping? Are the means, models, methods, and mechanisms being applied to this end effective?
What does it mean today to be a church totally committed to the gospel and fully engaged in God’s mission? What major religious and sociological trends in our world are affecting the role of the global church and local churches? How must we understand and be prepared to face these trends? This book addresses these issues and more.
How should mission be conducted in an increasingly volatile world? The same way it has been conducted throughout most of the history of the church – with faith and boldness, ‘suffering not our lives unto death’. In this volume some 62 writers from 23 nations have collaborated to reflect on the challenges of suffering for Christ and His mission.
Rich with reflections and case studies on local theology for the whole church, authors in this anthology tell the stories of trial and error, of struggles and triumphs, as each seeks to present Christ in terms that make sense and can be understood. The essays also give us a peep into many different societies, and the birthing of faith in the grace of the Holy Spirit.
This is the landmark book regarding best practices for missionary retention. Although the research was conducted as we entered this new century, most of the principles remain timeless and the solutions can be reworked to apply in any context. This book is a must-have resource for any mission organisation seeking to retain their field workers.
This manual is an invaluable resource for anyone from the global evangelical community who is involved with training people for ministry. It presents a biblical and educational framework for holistic training as well as a context-sensitive process for the design of new programs and the evaluation of existing programs.
This title is now also available in French. CLICK HERE to access the French translation.
This anthology considers in detail the key drivers of globalization, its contemporary shape, and its implications for world mission. The contributors investigate the impact of globalization on different contemporary issues affecting mission such as ethnicity, the environment, plurality of religions, contextualization, theology, and the church.
This book explores how member care is practiced around the world to equip sending organizations as they intentionally support their mission/aid personnel. The information provided in this classic volume includes personal accounts, guidelines, case studies, worksheets, and practical advice from all over the globe that remain relevant today.
Anecdotal evidence of the personal experience of Generation Xers shows that they do not find it easy to fit into the culture and structures of much of the contemporary Western church, especially in its organisational forms such as mission agencies. If GenXers do world mission their way, what would it look like? This book is written both for existing mission leaders and those who wish to bring change within their mission organisation as a response to culture change in the West.
Also known as the Iguassu Dialogue, this volume captures the landmark missions conference held in Brazil at the turn of the century. The compendium contains Biblical reflections on Trinitarian mission, analyses of models of mission, realistic portrayals of the challenges facing mission and an affirmation to carry mission well into the 21st Century.
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Does God really care about His servants? Yes! Do we care for our people who are serving the Lord in cross-cultural ministry? The Reducing Missionary Attrition Project (ReMAP), seeks to answer that question in this important study. This book presents the findings of a 14-nation study that helps supply some very encouraging answers still relevant for today.
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This volume explores lessons learned from both Western and non-Western missionary training regarding training, clear objectives, getting started, the profile of a trainer, selecting trainees, the marks of effective training, holistic equipping, contextualized curriculum, and careful assessment of the entire training process.
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While this book focuses primarily on missionary training, the underlying concepts and their applications directly relate to every form of ministry training. This book can help you initiate new programs to train pastors and missionaries or strategically revisit the entire curriculum and educational process of an existing school.
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This hands-on workbook, much of which is still relevant for today, has been designed for two kinds of people: those who have a deep desire to serve God overseas and those who want to help them. It discusses three phases of missionary development: getting stretched and ready, getting linked and going, getting established and bonding.
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This book provides a panoramic yet thorough study of kingdom advance in Latin America. Part 1 examines the historical, socio-political, and religious context. Part 2 probes into post-conciliar Roman Catholicism, the charismatic movements, contextualization, and social responsibility. Part 3 explores the implications for churches and mission agencies.
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Kingdom Partnerships for Synergy in Missions is ably described by its title. Its content is derived from the 1992 “Towards Independent Partnerships” conference in Manila. The contributions make for fascinating historical reading on missions partnerships as we assess how far (or not) we have come.
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The desire of this compendium is to present a world-wide perspective on the equipping of cross-cultural servant leaders; a spectrum of models from different countries, contexts and institutions: a discussion of some of the major educational issues that impact training. Even today the material offers value to the ongoing globalised process of missionary training.
Christians active in the arena of business, charity, and church are on a journey to integrate business and holistic mission. In this book, Gea Gort and Mats Tunehag explain the BAM concept through theory and theology, with stories to show what it looks like in real life as an expression of a much broader movement.
A contemporary account of the global refugee situation and how the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is shining brightly in the darkest corners of the greatest crisis on our planet. These hope-filled pages present models of Christian ministry from the front lines of the refugee crisis and the challenges of ministering to today’s refugees.
This must-have reference weaves together the strands of history, demographics and religion to present a breathtaking, full-color graphical and textual overview of the past, present and possible future of the church around the world. Reflecting on the past, this book examines trends that will have a major impact on the course of world events for a generation to come.
This handbook provides resources for personal spiritual preparation as well as cross-cultural skills and hands-on missionary training. It outlines the process for finding actual placement with a sending church, mission agency or organization, with key questions you should be asking along the way.