Category: 2016 Global Consultation: Panama
Reflecting on Panama: The cost of unity
by Mission Commission | Jul 10, 2017 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News | 0 |
As we continue to reflect on themes of polycentric mission, as highlighted during the 2016 Panama Global Consultation, we share again heart-felt thoughts by Duncun Olumbe on “The cost of unity”. You can access his...
Read MorePartnerships in polycentric mission – reflecting on Panama 2016
by Mission Commission | Apr 16, 2017 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News | 0 |
Dear friends, It has been six months since many of us spent time together in Panama. We want to hear how some of our discussions have impacted your life and ministry since that time. For those who were not able to join...
Read MoreSam George reflects on Panama Consultation
by Mission Commission | Nov 7, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News | 0 |
Please read the reflection by Sam George, who attended the Global Consultation in Panama. His thoughts are published in an article on the Christianity Today website – ‘Sam serves as Catalyst for Diasporas for...
Read More‘Polycentric Missiology’ – new book by Allen Yeh
by Mission Commission | Nov 7, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, News, Resources | 0 |
Polycentric Missiology, a new book from Allen Yeh was released to the public last month. Participants in the Mission Commission’s Global Consultation on October in Panama will have more than a few reasons to be interested...
Read MoreWEA Mission Commission highlights Polycentric Mission during Panama Global Consultation
by Mission Commission | Oct 27, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News | 0 |
The 14th Global Consultation of the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission recently took...
by WEA Mission Commission | Oct 8, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, News | 0
A concluding statement for members of the Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance gathered in Panama City, Panama, 3rd-7th October 2016 as we sought to understand and respond to current obstacles and opportunities for global missions.
Read MoreGlobal Consultation (3 – 7 October 2016, Panama ): Introduction
by Mission Commission | Sep 28, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News | 0 |
“Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord”. 1 Tim 1:2 Around 300 people from more than 85 countries are registered for the MC Consultation. We come from different ecclesial, cultural and linguistic...
Read MoreNew Mission Commission book “Mission in Motion” to launch at Global Consultation in Panama
by Mission Commission | Aug 15, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News, Resources | 0 |
Ten years in development, execution and analysis. Nine researchers, covering eight regions of the world. Hundreds of hours of transcribed dialogue. One aim: “What motivates people to become involved in mission?” This...
by Mission Commission | Jun 16, 2016 | 2016 Global Consultation: Panama, Events, News | 0 |
“The most important are not the vessels, but the cargo, all the goods and commodities that are shipped through the canal”, said the vice-president of the Panama Canal. The application to the Global Consultation of the WEA...
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